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The Unscripted Gallery is part of Attention Seekers, KVK 76126692 (“Attention Seekers”, “we” and “us”) processes privacy-sensitive data (personal data). Unscripted Gallery considers a careful handling of personal data of great importance, we therefore process personal data with the greatest care and confidentiality. In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we collect and process and for what purpose. We advise you to read this statement carefully.


This privacy statement applies to:
  • Visitors to the Unscripted Gallery website, an initiative of Attention Seekers (as can be reached at the address, hereinafter: the “Website”);
  • (Potential) customers and other persons with whom Unscripted Gallery has, or attempts to have, contact, via email, a contact form or by telephone;
  • Recipients of digital newsletters or commercial emails from Unscripted Gallery;
  • Customers of Unscripted Gallery, the contact persons of these business customers and the customers of our resellers (salespeople with whom you place an order;
  • All other persons who contact Unscripted Gallery and whose personal data Unscripted Gallery processes.
In this privacy statement the following terms have the following meanings:
  • You: the person whose personal data is processed by Unscripted Gallery;
  • Personal data: any data that relates to you and can also be traced back to you;
  • Processing of personal data: an operation or a set of operations with regard to personal data or a set of personal data, whether or not performed by automated processes, such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, updating or changing, requesting, consulting, using , providing through transmission, distribution or otherwise making available, aligning or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying data;
  • Reseller: the seller with whom you place an order via a (website) module that is connected to the Unscripted Gallery system. These orders are sent directly to Unscripted Gallery via the website and processed by Unscripted Gallery on behalf of the reseller.
Article 1: When do we receive personal data from you?
  • Unscripted Gallery receives personal data from you in the following situation:
  • When you visit the Website;
  • When you contact us, for example by e-mail, via a contact form on the Website or by telephone;
  • When you sign up for Unscripted Gallery’s digital newsletters or commercial emails;
  • When you place an order through the webshop on the Website
  • When you create and / or use an account via the Website;
Article 2: What personal data do we collect from you?
  • Visit Website: When you visit the Website, our server automatically stores information such as URL, IP address, browser type and language, date and time of the visit.
  • Contact with Unscripted Gallery: when you contact Unscripted Gallery with, for example, a request for information, Unscripted Gallery will store the personal data that you provide if necessary for the proper handling of your request.
  • Newsletters and commercial e-mails: Only if you have given explicit permission for this, we will send you a newsletter by e-mail about our products and / or services. You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter, or by indicating this in your account. In addition, we can approach customers by e-mail to offer our own and similar products or services to those previously ordered from us. If you do not want to receive these e-mails from us, you can also unsubscribe via the unsubscribe button or by sending an email to
  • Placing orders: If you place an order via the Website, we process the following personal data from you: First name and last name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing address, delivery address, payment details
  • Account registration and use of account: You can create an account at Unscripted Gallery, in that case you do not have to re-enter your personal data with every order. You will also find an overview of the products and services that you have purchased from us in the account. In some cases, this account is necessary for the performance of the agreement, invoicing and payment. To create an account, the data is required as indicated above when placing an order, in addition we process the following data from you: username (chosen by you), password (chosen by you): this is hashed, we password, other information that you provide to us on your own initiative, an overview of your order history at Unscripted Gallery.
Article 3: Purposes of data processing Visit Website
General visitor data and click behavior are kept on the Website, so that we can further optimize the layout on our Website and improve the provision of information, but also to combat fraud. In addition, cookies are placed on your computer, smartphone or tablet while using the Website. See below for more about the use of cookies by Unscripted Gallery.


Contact with Unscripted Gallery
If you request information from Unscripted Gallery, Unscripted Gallery will process the personal data provided to fulfill that request and / or to answer your questions.


If you have entered your email address, you can sign up for our free newsletter. We will only send it to you after you have indicated that you wish to receive it. You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter, or by indicating this in your account.


Placing orders
You can order Unscripted Gallery products through your account. We use your personal data to process an order. In particular, it concerns the following purposes:
  • The acceptance of your order;
  • The handling of your order and the shipment of the product;
  • To keep you informed of the status of your order;
  • Billing;
  • Handling questions and complaints
The data related to an order will be kept for as long as it is necessary for delivery and payment processing, or longer if a dispute has arisen between you and Unscripted Gallery. If you create an account with Unscripted Gallery, you can also find an overview of your order history. In that case, orders will be saved as long as your account remains.


The personal data in your account is processed for your ease of use and ordering. In addition, we will use this personal data to create and maintain your account, but we can also use this personal data to detect, remedy and prevent fraud, abuse or unauthorized use of your account. We keep the personal data for as long as your account remains with us and longer if this is necessary for Unscripted Gallery, for example when a dispute has arisen between you and Unscripted Gallery.


Other purposes for the use of personal data
We may also use the personal data that you have provided to us via the Website for the following purposes:
  • To implement another agreement between you and Unscripted Gallery;
  • To develop and improve the Website and Unscripted Gallery’s products;
  • For quality and management purposes, such as internal controls, audits, auditing and reviews;
  • To comply with legal obligations;
  • For the security of the Website and the prevention of fraud and abuse of the Website.
Article 4: Principles
Personal data will only be processed if one of the following conditions (bases) is met:
  • You have given permission for this;
  • It is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which you are a party (for example a purchase agreement), or to which the legal entity you represent is a party;
  • It is necessary to comply with a legal obligation that rests on Unscripted Gallery;
  • It is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or of another natural person (this basis is rare);
  • It is necessary for the defense of the legitimate interests of Unscripted Gallery or a third party, except when your interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms outweigh the interests of Unscripted Gallery and / or the third party.
Article 5: The use of cookies
What are cookies?
During a visit to our Website, cookies and similar technologies are placed on your computer, smartphone, tablet or other device. Cookies are small text files that are created and stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone while you are using the Website.


Cookies that Unscripted Gallery uses
Unscripted Gallery uses the following functional cookies, which are cookies that do not process personal data:
  • The functional cookies ensure that the Website functions properly, for example by keeping you logged in to your account (without having to enter your login details again and again) and by remembering which products are in your shopping cart and calculating the correct amount at the checkout .
  • We use analytical cookies to analyze what, when and how much you buy or which pages of the Website you visit at what time. This way we can better ensure that the right products are in stock at the right time and we ensure that the website is easy to use.
  • You will also find buttons to social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, on our Website. To make these buttons work, cookies are used from the social media parties, so that they recognize you when you want to share something from our Website.
Article 6: Security
Unscripted Gallery applies a security level for the processing of personal data, which, within the possibilities of current techniques, is sufficient to prevent unauthorized access, modification, publication or loss of your personal data. The Website uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technique, recognizable by “https: //” and the lock in the address bar. The security of your personal data in your account is of course also related to keeping your account data confidential (password). You must therefore ensure that your account information is handled with care and never provide it to anyone else.


Article 7: Right of access and removal
You can request your data from Unscripted Gallery at any time or request Unscripted Gallery to change or delete it. If you have created an account, you can always view and change your personal data by logging into your account. For some personal data it may be that Unscripted Gallery is legally obliged to keep it. Unscripted Gallery cannot change and / or delete these personal data at your request.


You also have the right to request your personal data from Unscripted Gallery or to request Unscripted Gallery to change or delete it. For some personal data it may be that Unscripted Gallery is legally obliged to keep it. Unscripted Gallery cannot change and / or delete these personal data at your request. Please also note that after we have changed or deleted your data at your request, it may be that this data will remain in our backups for some time, until those backups are also deleted.


In some cases you also have the right to obtain the personal data that we process about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form and you have the right to transfer that data, if the processing by Unscripted Gallery takes place in the manner for which the right to data portability is granted in applicable laws and regulations.


To exercise your aforementioned rights, you can send an email to


Article 8: Third parties
We will not pass on your personal data to third parties without your permission, unless:
  • This is necessary in the context of the implementation of the agreement between you and Unscripted Gallery, for example in connection with the payment or delivery of the products you have ordered; and / or
  • This third party is a processor of Unscripted Gallery (see below); and / or
  • Unscripted Gallery is obliged to pass on personal data to government authorities on the basis of a legal obligation or in an emergency; and / or
  • A reorganization or transfer of business activities takes place at Unscripted Gallery, with the result that Unscripted Gallery has to transfer personal data to another organization.
Article 9: Privacy statement third parties
Unscripted Gallery’s privacy and cookie policy does not apply to third-party websites, even if Unscripted Gallery has placed a hyperlink on its Website to these other websites. Unscripted Gallery does not accept any responsibility and liability with regard to the way in which third parties handle personal data and cookies. We advise you to take note of the privacy and cookie statements of those websites before visiting them.


Article 10: Processors
Unscripted Gallery engages third parties to process your personal data. These third parties (processors) only process your personal data on our behalf and we conclude processing agreements with these third parties that meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. This includes service providers who provide hosting services.


Article 11: Retention periods
Your personal data will be kept for as long as this is necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they are processed. After the (legal) retention period, your personal data will be destroyed. The above does not apply if Unscripted Gallery has a legal obligation to keep the personal data longer.


Article 12: Contact Unscripted Gallery
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact Unscripted Gallery below you will find our contact details. Unscripted Gallery, an initiative of Attention Seekers
Admiraal de Ruijterweg 56A,
1056GL, Amsterdam


Article 13: Amendments
This privacy statement can be changed from time to time. The most current privacy statement can be found on the Website, we advise you to read the privacy statement on the Website before entering new personal data.

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© The Unscripted Gallery 2022. All Rights Reserved.Unscripted Gallery is an Attention Seekers initiative. CoC 76126692.